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In your home staging business, it’s so important to find your “staging BFFs.” The trusted ones that you can exchange ideas and collaborate with. This episode is so special to me because Daniel Coffman and Sarah Atherton actually met serendipitously through Instagram after discovering they share the same company name, Staged Spaces. They quickly connected over their love of staging and became a support system for each other. In this Community Talk, Daniel and Sarah break down how they conduct site visits, how they pack for jobs, their approach to staging, and how they retain staging clients long-term.
Daniel and his partner launched Staged Spaces with the desire to bring quality, elevated home staging and styling options to real estate professionals and private homeowners alike with a goal of creating a story within a space to help buyers instantly connect and feel at home. With 12+ years of expertise, they have helped countless real estate agents, developers and homeowners fully realize their property’s selling potential.
Sarah is the owner and creative lead at Staged Spaces. Having spent over 20 years working in retail marketing as a Visual Merchandiser and Window Dresser for major retailers, Sarah transforms properties into inspiring spaces throughout the East Midlands, bringing creative design solutions to even the most challenging of projects.
To watch the full Community Talk replay and the live Q&A, set up a free account here: https://www.staged4more.school
Join our free private community too so you can comment on the show! You can also comment on the show notes. I’d love to hear from you and know what you think about the episodes. If you have a chance, please do leave a review on iTunes. That will help us build our show and invite more amazing guests for the podcast.
17hats saved us tons of time and admin when we were busy staging houses. We were able to keep staging without worrying about dropping the ball on staging clients and project management!
Daniel and Sarah introduce themselves (00:03:52)
Sarah teaches Daniel how to make a mojito and Daniel teaches Sarah how to make a margarita (00:06:12)
Sarah and Daniel share how they conduct site visits (and how COVID has changed the home staging landscape for the better) (00:11:56)
The importance of listening to what the client wants while appealing to a broader target market (00:16:11)
Sarah and Daniel share the nuances of working in their respective areas of Leicester and LA, from navigating small bedrooms, to TV placement (00:18:16)
Sarah details a behind the scenes look at how she creates proposals for potential clients (00:21:38)
Daniel highlights how he creates pack lists (00:27:21)
Sarah shares the mistake she made in the beginning with her inventory (00:30:32)
Daniel and Sarah explain what a typical install day looks like (00:34:08)
The “foreign language” of organizing inventory (00:37:11)
The detailed process Sarah takes to take out inventory for a project (00:39:06)
Daniel admits his dislike for driving to projects (00:41:25)
How to repurpose inventory for back-to-back home staging projects (00:42:44)
Daniel talks through his inventory menu and how it’s set up (00:46:11)
Sarah and Daniel share the worst experiences they’ve had in their home staging businesses (00:47:05)
The importance of transparency and staying true to your vision in a physically challenging business (00:49:19)
Sarah and Daniel’s differing approaches to inventory when they were just starting their home staging businesses (00:51:36)
Daniel and Sarah shout out their three favorite wholesalers (00:53:50)
Daniel’s Website: https://www.stagedspaces.com
Daniel’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/stagedspaces/
Daniel’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stagedspaces/
Daniel’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiMbPsKLE0PxlVu5PXWtepw
Sarah’s Website: https://stagedspaces.co.uk
Sarah’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/stagedspaces.co.uk/
Sarah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/staged_spaces/
Sarah’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/staged-spaces
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