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Founder of Staged4more.
When you are starting out in your home staging business, it can be difficult to find the right name for your home staging business. After all, it seems like a huge decision! You will be using your staging company name frequently, not to mention, you will need to buy a domain in that name, register your business, etc.
It is actually simpler than we think. In yesterday’s podcast episode, branding expert Amy Walsh and Cindy talked exactly about this and how to handle it if you don’t know what to name your home staging business yet. Have a listen to the episode. Most importantly, we don’t want this to be a deterrent to start taking on staging projects! This is why we also asked seven home stagers on how they got started with naming their home staging businesses.
Being that I am just starting out, I wanted to keep it simple. The BNL are my initials, but also stand for “Bring New Life”, as I believe that is what Home Staging does! PS. *website in progress*
Staging should always come first, in real estate and in everyone’s mind. Knowing the location of the company is vital, hence Puget Sound. Just from the name, everyone knows what the company does and where they do it.
Whenever I would visit friends or I was invited to someone’s house I would visualize how to rearrange the rooms. I been doing this for as long as I can remember. I’m a visual person so it made sense to name my business “Elle Vision.”
I wanted to name it what I wanted it to be a successful staging for agents, home sellers and myself. I like to keep things simple!
I wanted a snappy, catchy phrase that reflected my business. I prayed about it and this came to mind. ( It took me 7 months)
I started my business 20+ years ago, under Michelle Havens, LLC. Not exciting, but it worked. It wasn’t until a little over a year ago, that I decided to start staging and my boyfriend became my business partner.
At that time, we decided to rebrand with a name that would resonate with both of us. We spent days agonizing over this! We had narrowed it down to a few different names, but nothing was “IT” yet.
We were down to two, but were leaning towards Shine Bureau. We both liked the double meaning of Bureau, (dresser and a cool name of an organization) and I really liked Shine, because of the sunshiny, happy feeling.
I fell extra in love with the name when my guy said, “I like Shine Bureau, because it’s extra shiny like you. And people love to be around your sunshine.” SOLD! We became Shine Bureau. 🙂
I wanted a company name that was as limitless as our services and solutions, and grew with us over the years.
By using the word “Unlimited” in our company name and including it in our tagline, kept a consistent message for marketing. A company name should be short, memorable, and inspire the desire to contact you.
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