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Welcome back to the show! I’ve got Shay Butler on the show today, we had such a great chat that I’ve split the interview into two and you can catch part two today!
In this episode, we continued with our previous conversations about Shay’s experience building her home staging business. We talked about pricing, education, home staging trainings, courses, community, marketing your home staging business, technology and a bit of everything!
Do join our Facebook group too so you can comment on the show, you can also comment on the show notes too, I love to hear from you and know what you think about the episodes. If you have a chance please do leave a review on iTunes because that will help us build our show and invite more amazing guests on to the show as well.
In 2015, Shay had two young kids in her house that she needed to sell, knowing she needed to sell her house fast, she staged it and it sold within two days, from there she staged houses for a Real Estate Agent as a hobby until she made it into a business. There has been a lot of mistakes, success stories and great relationships made along the way. Her home staging business has been growing by word of mouth ever since she started, she now does redesign projects, helps investors design flips and has even flipped houses for herself, whether it is a house, a person or a relationship, she loves being a part of the transformation process and helping reach their goals. It is the joy of helping people find their way home.
How to optimise your online marketing to reach a wider audience for your home staging business (00:05:11)
How technology has enabled home stagers to increase their potential income (00:07:37)
How to be flexible and use your home staging skills to venture into other areas, such as event design (00:11:49)
How you maximize your home staging opportunities depending on where you’re based in the world (00:13:15)
The importance of talking about money with your clients and not being awkward about it (00:18:09)
The importance of a business coach to guide you, support you with running a business and working out what you’re worth (00:22:36)
How to manage your mindset and not let negativity detract from what you can achieve (00:27:19)
The value of your community and getting involved in the Facebook groups for support (00:32:39)
An overview of new home stager courses coming out next year (00:35:21)
How your marketing approach can change as you become more established as a Home Stager (00:38:31)
How to make an impact in the industry and find your passion and joy for what you do (00:41:08)
Shay’s top tip for new Home Stagers (00:47:44)
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